The Neuroscience of Emotions in Dogs

In this webinar, Daniel will explore the neuroscience of various emotional processes in dogs integrating the effects of cognition, trauma, and evolutionary history on emotional processing. This webinar will examine what is emotions actually are and how we can help our dogs cope with emotional distress.

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  The Neuroscience of Emotions in Dogs
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About the presenter:

Daniel Shaw BSc (Hons), GMBPsS, CDBC is an animal behaviourist with a background in animal behaviour, psychology and neuroscience. As the owner of Animal Behaviour Kent, Daniel has a successful history of supporting dogs and cats with behaviour problems, and has a special interest in the effects of trauma on animals. Daniel is a degree qualified psychologist and certified dog behaviour consultant with the International Association of Animal Behaviour Consultants (IAABC). 

Daniel well known for his work in the animal behaviour industry and regularly presents seminars and webinars to other professionals. His online course platform ABK Learn provides both owners and professionals with insights into the psychological health of dogs and provides a wealth of information on many common behavioural problems. His new flagship course, Trauma Informed Pet Professionals explores the neurobiology of trauma and presents cutting edge techniques for helping dogs that have experienced trauma.